Shakespeare, William (1600)

Edinburgh University Library has a fine collection of early editions of Shakespeare and of English drama generally. Three of the quartos are of such outstanding importance that they are classed as "iconic".
The most lamentable Romaine Tragedie of Titus Andronicus. London: Printed by I. R. for Edward White, 1600. This is one of two known copies of the second edition of Titus Andronicus. It was donated by William Hog in 1700. In the 1860s this copy was lent to Shakespeare scholar and collector James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps so he could make a facsimile. This arrangement, brokered by David Laing, eventually led to Halliwell-Phillips donating a vast collection of books and manuscripts to Edinburgh University Library.
Shakespeare, William
compilation of quartos including Romeo & Juliet

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